Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A to Z Blog Challenge - B is for Brain Plasticity

B is for Brain Plasticity

 Say what? Plastic brains? Who cares?

 Plastic is malleable, adaptable. We've all heard it said, “Use it or lose it.” I remember my high school trig teacher was mortified when I said I wasn't going to attend university. Those were his parting words to me. They have haunted me to a certain extent, to this day.

 Well, apparently it goes both ways. Studies just this past decade have finally shown that adult brains can and do form new neurons – this is an exciting process called neurogenesis. In addition, neuroimaging studies have shown that an area of the brain that receives messages from the fingers on the left hand is enlarged in string musicians who constantly use their left hand to play their instruments. (Elbert et al., 1995) So, like working out at the gym, practicing something diligently literally “pumps up” our brain tissue!

 In response to physical injury, the brain proves itself to be a master of reorganization. Also, it is said that those who are blind can hear more acutely than the average seeing person. This is because the brain “recruits” neurons that would normally be dedicated to visual processing and uses them to enhance verbal processing. Amazing!

 What does this mean for you and I?

 The way I see it, everything in life is a form of art, including the unseen parts of us. We are capable of causing a change in the very structure and size of our brains. This translates to our life experiences as well. As with anything, if it takes effort, it may start out unpleasant. But never let yourself believe that you can't change your thinking patterns, your habits, your whole life for the better. Never tell yourself, “I'm just not smart enough.” You can shape your brain to do the things you really want to do. You're limited only by the extent of your own motivation...and there are tricks for that too. :)

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